Before starting activities in the morning or after doing activities at night, we often need a cup of coffee. coffee to enjoy, here.
Do you know? Behind the cup of coffee you drink, there is an exciting process that needs to be observed carefully so that you can enjoy coffee to your heart's content. Come on, check out how to enjoy coffee to the fullest below!
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Here, Under and Over Extraction Conditions
This extraction process is the process of making coffee powder dissolve when it comes into contact with water, so it becomes coffee water. Well, the results of this extraction can tell the taste of coffee, for example the taste of nuts, fruit, and others. There are two things that can happen in coffee extraction, namely under-extraction and over-extraction.
Under-extraction is when the coffee is not extracted enough, so it doesn't taste as good. While over-extraction is the opposite, too much coffee is extracted so the taste becomes strange. In general, the best coffee extraction is a balanced one. So, the coffee grounds are extracted just right so the taste is really delicious.
To get a good coffee extraction, you can trust your sense of taste. If the coffee tastes bitter and your mouth becomes dry after drinking it, it means the coffee you made is over-extracted. Meanwhile, if the coffee is too sour and tart, it means it is still under-extracted.
Here, it's about the level of fineness of the coffee beans used
Grinding the coffee before brewing can maintain the freshness, taste character and aroma of the coffee, you know. Well, in this case, consistency in coffee grinding time has a big influence on the quality of the coffee you make. You need the consistency level of ground coffee powder particles according to the brewing method you choose.
The finer your coffee grind, the more particles are exposed, so more coffee will be extracted. This is because the water flows more intensely between the coffee particles. So, the taste of the coffee you make will be stronger and more intense. If the grind is coarser, less coffee will be extracted because the intensity of the water is low between the coffee particles.
There are several levels of coffee grind fineness that you can try, such as coarse, medium, fine, and very fine. Coarse grind is suitable for French press, percolator, and cupping methods. Its fineness is similar to the texture of sea salt. Well, medium grind is suitable for cone, siphon coffee, and aeropress methods. Its texture is similar to sand.
Meanwhile, fine grinding is suitable for espresso brewing methods, stovetop espresso makers, moka pots and aeropresses. The texture is similar to table salt, but slightly finer. Sometimes we often encounter this fine grind when buying packaged coffee.
Then, the finest is very fine or very fine grinding, suitable for the ibrik or Turkish coffee brewing method. The grind is very similar to the texture of flour or powder. That's it!
Here, about the temperature of water for brewing coffee
When brewing coffee, the temperature of the water is an important factor that needs to be paid attention too. The right temperature can make coffee maximally delicious. According to the National Coffee Association, the best water temperature for making coffee is between 195°F and 205°F or around 90-96 degrees Celsius.
However, there are those who like to use temperatures below 90 degrees Celsius when using the manual brew method. But, in the end, the water temperature is adjusted to each coffee drinker's taste. To be sure, don't go above 96 degrees Celsius, because it can make the coffee bitter and the taste can be lost.
If the water is too cold, the coffee will be difficult to dissolve, so it can look like a puddle on the surface of the dripper. To control the water temperature, you can use a thermometer or kettle that has a temperature controller. That's it!
Here, about Coffee Brewing Techniques
Agitation is the gentle movement or stirring that occurs in the coffee grounds while it is being brewed. This process can be done in various ways, using tools or not. According to, Matt Perger, winner of the 2012 World Brewers Cup, has a pour over technique that uses the concept of agitation.
So, he stirs the coffee with a crisscross motion using a stirrer after pouring in the water, then leaves it for a while before pouring in the water again. Meanwhile, Scott Rao, one of the coolest coffee experts in the world, prefers the concept of agitation without tools. He rotates the dripper in a spiral motion to stir the coffee that is being steeped. This agitation concept can help reduce the risk of unwanted flavors from the stirrer material.
The best brewing results are those with consistent extraction results. If each particle in the coffee powder undergoes a different extraction, the taste will be inconsistent. That's why coffee experts really like the agitation technique because it can make any coffee grounds that haven't been extracted become extracted.
Well, those are some ways to enjoy coffee to the fullest. When you enjoy good coffee, you must feel happy and calm, right?